By-Law Ammendments
September 7, 2022
The Board of Directors (Board) of Wisconsin Association for Identification (WAI) pursuant to applicable provisions of WAI’s Constitution and By-Laws odes hereby resolve as follows:
1. The Board held a meeting in person and online on June 27, 2022, and discussed the matter of the Secretary and Treasurer Position still being a combined position when it should be two separate positions within the WAI
2. The Board voted the first time to separate the Secretary positions back in 2020
3. The Board discussed the separation of the committee again on April 4, 2022 – was to take effect April 7th if passed (unable to locate meeting minutes from 4/7)
4. The Board discussed the new Treasurer By-Law Resolution
5. The Board discussed including quarterly payments for Treasurer, Secretary and Editor
6. Changes to By-Laws and Constitution previously added to WAI website this year (cleaned up below)
NOW; THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board as follows:
Resolution No. 1
Dissolve the Secretary/Treasurer position and create two separate positions: Secretary and Treasurer
Resolution No. 2
Strike Secretary/Treasurer from WAI Constitution, Article 3: Section 3.01 Officers: replace with Secretary, Treasurer,
Resolution No. 3
Strike –Treasurer from the following:
Article 1
Section 1.01 Application Form
Section 1.02 Application Process
Section 1.03 Notification of Action Taken on Application
Article 2
Section 2.03 Deadline for Renewal and Suspension
Section 2.04 Reinstatement
Article 4
Section 4.01 Number, Voting Rights, Term, and Qualifications
Article 6
Section 6.04 General Membership Meeting
Section 6.05(b) Eligibility Determination
Section 6.06(c) Tribute
Article 8
Section 8.01 Selection Candidate
Article 10
Section 10.02 Notice of Amendments
Section 10.03 Required Vote
Resolution No. 4
Strike Secretary/- from the following:
Article 3
Section 3.10(b) Expenses
Article 8
Section 8.03 IAI Annual Educational Seminar Reimbursement
Resolution No. 5
Strike Article 3 Section 3:09 Duties of Secretary-Treasurer. Replace as follows:
3.09 Duties of Secretary. The Secretary shall carry out the daily administrative functions of the Association. In the event that this office is vacant, the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim replacement.
(a) Records and Meeting Minutes. The Secretary shall keep all of the official records of the Association and the official minutes of the General Membership Meeting and all Board of Director Meetings.
(b) Petty Cash Fund and Allowances. The Board of Directors may approve an additional quarterly allowance of up to $50.00 per quarter to cover other miscellaneous expenses.
(c) Membership Applications and Records. The Secretary shall process all membership applications in conformance with Article 1 of these By-Laws. The Secretary shall maintain the official membership roster. The Secretary shall work with the Editor to publish or distribute a copy of the annual membership roster with the Constitution and By-Laws to all the members.
(d) Board of Directors. The Secretary shall serve as the recording Secretary for the Board of Directors, as in such capacity shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
(e) Reports. The Secretary shall prepare and present the following reports at each Board of Directors Meeting: the official minutes of the previous Board of Directors meeting, and a Secretary’s report. The Secretary’s report shall include the activities of the Association and a summary of the current membership.
(f) Other Duties. The Secretary shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as directed by the Board of Directors.
Resolution No. 6
3.13 Duties of the Treasurer. The treasurer shall carry out the daily financial functions of the Association. In the event that this office is vacant, the Board of Directors shall appoint an interim replacement.
(a) Petty Cash Fund and Allowances. The Treasurer shall be permitted to maintain a revolving petty cash fund of $50.00 to defray the usual and ordinary expenses of this office, subject only to limitations expressly imposed by the Board of Directors. In addition to these expenses, the Board of Directors may approve an additional quarterly allowance of up to $50.00 per quarter to cover other miscellaneous expenses. The Treasurer is also authorized to pay all other usual expenses of this office or the Association under $250.00, subject only to limitations expressly imposed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall receive additional allowances for expenses over $250.00 as approved in advance by the Board of Directors of the By-Laws.
(b) Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be a voting member of the Board of Directors.
(c) Reports. The Treasurer shall prepare and present the following reports at each Board of Directors Meeting: a complete Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer shall prepare and present the following reports at each General Membership Meeting: the official Treasurer’s report. The Treasurer’s Report shall include the Association’s income, expenses, and assets.
(d) Warrants and Checks. The Treasurer shall draw all warrants and checks for the expenses of the Association and shall sign same, except when the Board of Directors expressly states that another officer of the Association must-cosign these documents.
(e) Bonds. The Treasurer shall furnish such bonds for the faithful performance of the duties of that office as the Board of Directors may require. The Association shall pay the premium for such bonds.
Wisconsin Association for Identification
Resolutions and Legislative Committee
Melissa Graf, Chairperson
WHEREAS, the members of the Wisconsin Association for Identification assembled at their 2005 Annual General Membership Meeting in Madison, Wisconsin on April 1, 2005 wish to adopt a change to our By Laws; therefore be it
Resolved, that Section 5.13 will be added to the By Laws as will read as follows:
Section 5.13 Web Site Committee. This committee shall consist of a chairman and three to five members. (Including the webmaster if he/she is a member in good standing). This committee shall be responsible for overseeing the webmaster and the official web site of the W.A.I. The content of the web site will be a collaboration of the committee and the webmaster. The chairperson or their designee shall give a report at each Board of Directors meeting. The committee shall perform other duties as directed by the President.
and be it further
Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be published in the newsletter and the WAI web site.
Melissa Graf